HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) Journals. - Demetriadis, S., Karoulis, A., and Pombortsis, A. (1999). "Graphical" Jogthrough: expert based methodology for user interface evaluation, applied in the case of an educational simulation interface. Computers and Education 32 (4), 285-299.
- Karoulis, A., and Pombortsis, A. (2004). The Heuristic Evaluation of Web Sites Concerning the Evaluators' Expertise and the Appropriate Criteria List. Informatics in Education, 3(1), 55-74.
- Karoulis, A., Demetriades, S., and Pombortsis, A. (2004). Comparison of Expert-Based and Empirical Evaluation Methodologies in the Case of a CBL Environment: The «Orestis» Experience. Computers and Education. (to appear)
- Karoulis, A. (2006). Evaluating the LEGO-RoboLab© interface with experts. ACM Computers in Entertainment (CIE). Vol 4 (2), (April 2006). New York:ACM Press.
- Karoulis, A., Sylaiou, S., & White, M. (2006). Usability Evaluation of a virtual museum interface. Informatica 17(3).
- Sylaiou, S., Karoulis, A., Stavropoulos, Y., & Patias, P. (2008). Presence-centered assessment of virtual museums' technologies. DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology, Special Issue on Online Exhibitions (to appear).
- Sylaiou, S. , Economou, M., Karoulis, A., and White, M., (2008). The evaluation of ARCO: a lesson in curatorial competence and intuition with new technology. ACM Computers in Entertainment , New York: ACM Press. ISSN:1544-3574 (to appear).
Book chapters. - Karoulis, A. and Pombortsis, A. (2002). Heuristic Evaluation of Web-Based ODL Programs. In Claude Ghaoui (edt.) Usability Evaluation of On-Line Learning Programs. Hershey, PA (USA) ; London (UK): Information Science, 89-109.
- Karoulis, A., Tarnanas, I., and Pombortsis, A. (2003). On Expert-Based Evaluation Concerning Human Factors in ODL Programs: A Preliminary Investigation. In C. Ghaoui (ed). E-Education Applications: Human Factors and Innovative Approaches. Hershey, PA (USA) & London (UK): Information Science, 84-96.
- Karoulis, A. and Pombortsis, A. (2004). Heuristically Evaluating Web-based ODL. Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, Vol. II. IDEA Group publ.
- Karoulis A., Demetriadis S., and Pombortsis A. (2005). Cognitive Graphical Walkthrough Interface Evaluation Method. In C. Ghaoui (ed.) Encyclopedia of HCI. IDEA Group publ., 73-78.
International Conferences - Demetriadis, S., Karoulis, A., and Pombortsis, A. (1998). Evaluation of Educational Simulation Interface using the Graphical Joghthrough Method: The Network Simulator Experience, ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 98 Conference, Freiburg - Germany, 262-267.
- Karoulis, A., Demetriades, S., Pombortsis, A. (2000) The Cognitive Graphical Jogthrough: An Evaluation Method with Assessment Capabilities. Applied Informatics 2000 Conference Proceedings, 14-17 Feb. 2000, Innsbruck, Austria. Anaheim, CA: IASTED/ACTA, 369-373.
- Karoulis, A., and Pombortsis, A. (2001). Heuristic Evaluation of Web Sites: the Evaluators' Expertise and the Heuristic List. Proceedings-CD of Web-Net 2001 Conference, 23-27 Oct. 2001, Orlando, Florida. Charlottesville, VA: AACE, 657-662.
- Karoulis, A., Demetriadis, S., and Pombortsis, A. (2003). A «Combinatory Evaluation» Approach in the Case of a CBL Environment: The «Orestis» Experience. In Jacko, J., and Stephanidis, C. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction: Theory and Practice (Part I). (Proc. of HCI intl. 2003, vol. 1), Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 651-655.
- Karoulis, A., Polyxenidou, A., and Pombortsis, A. (2003). On Expert-Based Interface Evaluation of Web Resources Regarding Accessibility Issues: A Preliminary Investigation. In Stephanidis, C., (ed.) Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society. (Proc. of HCI intl. 2003, vol. 4), Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 985-989.
- Karoulis, A., Polyxenidou, A., and Pombortsis, A. (2002). On Expert-Based Evaluation of the Usability and the Learnability of Web-Based Open and Distance Learning Environments. Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), 18-20 Sep.2002, University of Patras, Greece.
- A. Karoulis (2006). Usability Evaluation of the LEGO Interface. 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). July 5-7, 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
- A. Karoulis, S. Sylaiou, and M. White (2006). Combinatory Usability Evaluation of an Educational Virtual Museum Interface. 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). July 5-7, 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
Panhellenic Conferences (most in Greek - please refer to the Greek sector) - Karoulis, A., Polyxenidou, A., and Pombortsis, A. (2002). Evaluating ODL Environments according to their Usability and Learnability. 3rd Panhellenic Conference «ICT Technologies in Education» - Aegean University, Rhodes, Greece.
- Karoulis, A., Demetriades, S., and Pombortsis, A. (2001). Evaluating Multimedia Educational Interfaces with a Combinatory Evaluation Approach. Panhellenic Conference on the Jointment of Secondary and Ternary Education. A.U.Th. – Thessaloniki, Greece.
- A. Karoulis, I. Stamelos & L. Angelis (2006). Controlled experimental evaluation of an ODL tool. 5th Panhellenic conference ETPE «ICT in Education», Thessaloniki, Greece, 5-8 October 2006.
- A. Karoulis (2006). Combinatory usability evaluation of the LEGO interface. 5th Panhellenic conference ETPE «ICT in Education», Thessaloniki, Greece, 5-8 October 2006.
- St. Sylaiou & A. Karoulis (2006). Combinatory usability evaluation of a virtual museum interface. 5th Panhellenic conference ETPE «ICT in Education», Thessaloniki, Greece, 5-8 October 2006.
Various Chapters - Karoulis, A., Valsamidou, E., Demetriadis, S. and Timcenko, O. (2005). Evaluating the LEGO interface with users and experts. In Kaleidoscope NoE JEIRP, Interaction between learner's internal and external representations in multimedia environments, Research report, pp 126-148.
Adobe.pdf (624 kB) Full papers In most conferences there is a limitation in the number of pages that can be submitted for publication. But some of my papers amounted to more than this limit. Here you can find the full papers: - The full paper of "Cognitive Graphical Jogthrough" (Adobe.pdf). The limited version has been published in IASTED-AI 2000 in Innsbruck, Austria.
Tip: You have to download it as well, if you downloaded the CGJ "Evaluator's Questionnaire" template and you intend to perform a CGJ evaluation... - The full paper (40 pages) of the chapter in the book "Usability Evaluation of On-Line Learning Programs". An analytical approach of the usability evaluation of instructional environments, with good theoretical part. (Word.doc - 1 MB!). For copyright reasons, I do not provide here the published, but only the full paper ;-)
Tutorials / Workshops / Panels I've conducted the following tutorials/workshops/panels: - Karoulis, A., Wiberg, C., Whelan, R. (2001). Panel on Evaluation and the Web: e-Learning, e-Commerce, e-Entertainment, Web-Net 2001 conf . Orlando - USA 23-27 Oct 01
- Zaphiris, P., Jantawan, N., Kurniawan, S., and Karoulis, A. (2001). Panel on Special Topics of Web Usability, Web-Net 2001 conf . Orlando - USA 23-27 Oct 01
- Karoulis, A., Demetriadis, St., Stamelos, I. and Pombortsis, A. The interface evaluation method "Cognitive Graphical Jogthrough". 1st Software Usability Seminar, University of Athens, Dept. of Informatics, 3/3/01 (presentation and workshop).
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